- Children Starving to Death in South Asia
- A Letter from the Missions - the Jesus Movie
- Covid not just a Western Virus - Spreading Now in South Asia
- A Letter from the Missions
- A Letter from the South Asia Missions
- Let the Little Children Come to Me
- We Are So Blessed
- 16th and 21st Centuries Collide
- Disaster Into Victory
- What can you expect at the Judgment?
Children Starving to Death in South Asia
A Letter from the Missions - the Jesus Movie
Covid not just a Western Virus - Spreading Now in South Asia

A Letter from the South Asia Missions

A Letter from the Missions

Let the Little Children Come to Me

New Horizons Missions has an amazing ministry that provides Bibles to literate converts, sewing machines and goats to poor widows, education for the children, clean water to villages and training for those wanting to develop as pastors or leaders.
For example last year we housed and fed for six weeks, 2500 victims of floods that destroyed communities. That's an example of trying to emulate our Lord, Jesus Christ.
We Are So Blessed
16th and 21st Centuries Collide
Disaster Into Victory
Preaching the Gospel By Our Actions - Instead of Words
My name is Ahsin and I am 46 years old and my wife’s name is Hina and she is 45 years old and we have three children. We have been pagans for many, many generations. During the floods this year, we were left to drown by our own people who left us in the flood waters. But some Christian people saved our lives and they gave us food and medicines. Our pagan priest would not allow us to join his camp,
What can you expect at the Judgment?
What happens to #Believers at the Great Judgment? Everyone who has ever lived is to be judged – there are no exceptions. But the #Bible is clear on what will happen to those that have put their trust in Jesus Christ. #Judgment? www.NewHorizonsMissions.com.
Turning Disaster into Triumph
Floods Devastate South Asia Again
Biblical-size Floods
This year we were caught by surprise. It looked as though our congregations would be spared the floods that have destroyed so many lives and homes in the three previous monsoon seasons. But, no! This week the whole Punjab region of Pakistan and India has been inundated with deluges greater than any seen in the past 50 years. Millions are homeless and without food and countless acres of crops as well as poultry and cow farms have been "drowned".
How can this happen? Dams built in India have changed the natural flow of
What's Impossible for Man is Possible for God
What's Impossible for Man is Possible for God
It was 10 years ago that Kashi and Shaguta were married. They received the blessings of their Hindu priest and like many other newly-weds, they confidently started on the journey of becoming parents. After all, the couple came from large families so they fully expected to have several children of their own. Shaguta was longing to be a mother – to hold her baby in her arms – boy or girl, she didn't care – she just wanted her own child.
For 10 long years they tried everything but no baby came. They offered sacrifices to the fertility gods – but nothing happened. Finally, they received the worst possible news from their Doctor. After she examined Shaguta, she told the couple that it was impossible for her to become pregnant as she had a barren womb and there was a blockage in her uterus. They were devastated and cried out to the gods of their ancestors - but there was only silence.
Let our own Pastor Kevin take the story up from here. “New Horizons had just installed a clean water system in our village and we invited people of all faiths to
Sometimes Bad Things Just Happen
Tragedy for Sunday School Teacher Sisters
Martha and Alison were two sisters that loved each other – but also loved the Lord with all their hearts and they were actively involved in teaching children in the Mission School in the village of Atticah. However, a major flood recently swept through their poverty-stricken village in South Asia leaving a trail of disaster in its wake, First of all, Alison's heart was broken when her beloved sister, Martha was swept away by the raging waters and drowned. Could anything else go wrong? Well it did. A week later, the mud brick wall of a house collapsed on Alison completely crushing her leg. She was left in agonizing pain for several days receiving no medical assistance or even pain killers. The rain continued to pour down on her body but she was unable to be moved because of the extent of her injuries. She tells us she was screaming in pain for three days and nights and was close to death when God sent assistance.
We now move the scene to United States where Pastor James and his team received word of
God Always Listens
She had no where to turn since the people around her were also poor and struggling to stay alive. Roberta cried night and day trying to figure how she and her family would survive. But God had a plan. He directed Roberta to Pastor William who was able to provide her with food and clothing for her family. The blessings continued as other women who are believers in Jesus Christ were able to find work for Roberta as a servant in a Muslim home. But the
Letter from the Missions 2
The Needle of Life
Dear Pastor James & New Horizons Team,
God is great and merciful to all of his people and protects these people from all problems. A few years ago disease spread through Bungarla and killed many people. Children were also attacked by disease and those children not immunized contacted diseases including polio, tuberculosis (TB), hepatitis, measles, coughs and other ailments. God then directed New Horizons Missions (NHM) to step forward and immunize both adults and children resulting in disease being significantly reduced in Bungarla.
One of the children affected by polio is Amanda. She is an orphaned girl who lives with her aunt. Almost five years ago she was stricken with polio and unable to walk. The situation was terrible for this young girl. Because her aunt worked, there was no one to watch or care for her. As a result Amanda would sometimes soil her bed, resulting in beatings from her aunt.
But again God directed New Horizons Missions, to step forward. After my contacting you,