Shopping Bag
How will they hear unless someone tells them?  Romans 10:14

Exciting Stories from the Missions

Posted by Administrator on 4/30/2014
The following is from emails sent by two of our mission pastors working in South Asia. Pastor Damon of New Horizons Missions tells the story that he and his wife visited a homeless area of tent dwellers and were led to a dwelling where a thirteen-year-old boy lay very ill. Damon and Bowella prayed over the dying young man and told the Hindu family about God and Jesus. The boy was quickly healed and in thanks, the parents brought some wheat flour as payment for the healing. They were amazed when it was refused with a smile. Guza and Rehana requested to hear more about Jesus and soon turned their lives over to the Christianity. (continued)
Hindu Gods
Worshipers celebrate Monkey God Feast

Pastor Namir’s email told a different story. A man named Baldo was decidedly not interested in any form of worship other than the Hindu with which he was raised. He ignored our New Horizons Missions Pastor for many months but Namir persisted and the man slowly began asking questions about Jesus and God. His heart was finally opened and he received Jesus as his lord and savior. Now his wife and children have committed their lives to Jesus too. They are watching the 10 Minute Bible video program each week. Namir tells Pastor James that some converts accept Jesus quickly but others take several years to renounce the beliefs of their ancestors. He added, “But we never stop preaching the Good News.”