The smiles seemed to go on forever, from ear to ear and with deep inner joy. This was the reaction when children from two of our villages in South Asia received shipments of gifts from Samaritan's Purse in the USA. These poor children had never experienced anything like this before. Why would complete strangers in a country thousands of miles away send them such beautiful gifts? They found out that it was the love of Jesus that they were experiencing. Yes, Christians in the West had lovingly packed these gift boxes up and sent them off to the poorest of the poor in the Third World.
Shoes, books, pencils, cuddly toys and even a Bible were included in each box. Our thanks to Franklin Graham, Samaritan's Purse and the thousands of loving Christians in the West that made this possible. Now we will distribute thousands more boxes to other children in our villages in South Asia. many of these will be hearing about Jesus for the first time.