What's Impossible for Man is Possible for God
It was 10 years ago that Kashi and Shaguta were married. They received the blessings of their Hindu priest and like many other newly-weds, they confidently started on the journey of becoming parents. After all, the couple came from large families so they fully expected to have several children of their own. Shaguta was longing to be a mother – to hold her baby in her arms – boy or girl, she didn't care – she just wanted her own child.
For 10 long years they tried everything but no baby came. They offered sacrifices to the fertility gods – but nothing happened. Finally, they received the worst possible news from their Doctor. After she examined Shaguta, she told the couple that it was impossible for her to become pregnant as she had a barren womb and there was a blockage in her uterus. They were devastated and cried out to the gods of their ancestors - but there was only silence.
Let our own Pastor Kevin take the story up from here. “New Horizons had just installed a clean water system in our village and we invited people of all faiths to come and help themselves to the free “Jesus Water.” I remember when Shaguta first arrived with her containers – her face was so sad. Every day she would come for the clean water and it seemed she was getting even more depressed. Finally one of our Christian women asked her what was troubling her. Shaguta started sobbing and shared how she was unable to have a child. Our member suggested she come to me and that I would pray for her in Jesus name.”
Pastor Kevin continues his story, “I told her I would pray for them, although I told her that because of the Doctor's report her situation was very difficult. But what was impossible for man, was possible for God. There was a problem when her husband refused to have anything to do with a Christian Pastor as he feared he would be

“Last week, she came to us together with her husband and she was waving some reports in her hands. She was so emotional that she couldn't speak, so I took the reports from her shaking hands and read the miraculous news that she was pregnant! The couple were both weeping before us, but the tears were not of sadness but of joy and happiness. They knew that God had given them a miracle and made her barren womb fertile and opened the blocked uterus. They fell down on the ground and before everyone, repented of their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.”
Footnote from Pastor Richards. Most people come to Christ the “traditional” way of hearing the Gospel and having their hearts softened by the Holy Spirit. But it never fails to amaze me how many times we witness miracles like the one above, especially in the Third World. Truly, what is impossible for man is possible for God.
Romans 10 "If no one tells them, how will they hear?"