How will they hear unless someone tells them? Romans 10:14
Posted by Administrator on 4/8/2014
Dear Pastor James,
I would like to share a story about a young Hindu man who came to believe in Jesus after a long time of learning from God's Word – the Holy Bible. It took a long time for this man to come to understand God’s salvation plan and accept Jesus as his personal Lord & Savior. I prayed for him continuously. His name is Sameeal and he is 24 years old. When I started to share with him things from Bible, he was not interested ignored me. He was very a ritual person and obeyed Hindu idols and practiced Hindu worship in the Temples. He also offered sacrifices to idols. He shared with me
Posted by Administrator on 3/27/2014
and Health for Walabad
Elayne Alexander, March 2014
do something for only a couple of people when you can do it for an
entire village,” she said with a sparkling smile. Susan Uriarte,
Director of the Women Together in Christ ministry related her
plans to the New Horizons group at Shepherds Grove Church in November
of 2013. She and her members planned to hold their annual fundraiser
to benefit our missions in South Asia
and her excitement was apparent in her gestures. The group decided
that funds should be used to provide clean water in Walabad Village,
where just over 200 Christians live and worship.
water is a major life-giving commodity in any third-world country but
in South Asia, it
Posted by Administrator on 3/17/2014
Tents Become Home
Simple but Effective Shelter & Warmth in the Third World
Through the generosity of Donors, New Horizons Missions was able to purchase much-needed huge tents, heaters, and rugs for flooring. Each year, many of our congregations experience devastating floods. Many of the poorest live in a tattered tent and theses are often washed away by the rushing waters, along with what few belongings they have acquired.
These 250-occupancy tents are used as shelter for those living under trees or out in the open. Pastors report to us that the most needy, newborn babies and their mothers, are particularly grateful for the warmth on the cold, foggy nights of their winter. Without the heat many would die.
Posted by Administrator on 3/8/2014
and Health for Walabad
by Elayne
“Why do something for
only a couple of people when you can do it for an entire
village,” she said with a sparkling smile. Susan Uriarte,
Director of the Women Together in Christ ministry related her plans
to the New Horizons group at Shepherds Grove Church in November of
2013. She and her members planned to hold their annual fundraiser to

our missions in South Asia and her excitement was apparent
in her gestures. The group decided that funds should be used to
provide clean water in Walabad Village, where just over 200
Christians live and worship.
Clean water is a major
life-giving commodity in any third-world country but in South Asia,
Posted by Administrator on 1/19/2014
It's hard to imagine that millions in the world don't have a warm place to sleep on cold, wintery nights or a place to worship God on a Sunday. This is what we find in many of the regions we minister to in South Asia. The solution: large tents which we can erect quickly in the cold winters, provide shelter from the Monsoon rains and use as a safe place to hold the church services and Sunday school.
In the west we consider a tent useful for a camping trip by the lake or perhaps to visit when the Circus comes to town. But we have found that in South Asia, a large tent will provide much needed shelter and save lives - especially of the elderly and little children. Each of these large tents will sleep about 250 and is a much-needed asset to a congregation who are living in the most dreadful poverty. What may be a plain tent to us becomes a place of rescue and comfort for the lives that are being benefited from this simple structure.
Posted by Administrator on 1/13/2014
Our Pastors are highly motivated and energetic snd will walk 3 or 4 hours each way to be able to share the Gospel with just one family. Is all this effort worth it? Absolutely, as more often than not, the family will be touched by the Holy Spirit and then confess their sins and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The New Horizons Mission Pastors never complain about the poor working conditions they have to endure - or the great personal risk they take each day.
But you can imagine their excitement when a Donor enables us to purchase them a brand-new sturdy bicycle. All of a sudden they are now able to visit 3 or 4 villages in a day and then return home with the added bonus that their bodies are not as exhausted as they are frequently.
Posted by Administrator on 12/6/2013
Millions of poor people in the Third World have no option but to drink filthy, germ-laden water which leads to diseases and in many cases, to death. New Horizons Mission has a very successful Clean Water project where we drill deep wells - far under the contaminated water levels, and bring up unlimited quantities of beautiful clean water. Although we are a Christian ministry, we provide our clean water to all those that are in need. Hindus, Pagan, Muslims, Sikhs - even Atheists, are welcome to obtain pure water from New Horizons Missions.
Posted by Administrator on 11/29/2013
One of the most successful programs operated by New Horizons Missions is their Child Sponsorship Program. For less than a dollar a day, a Sponsor is able to send a child to school, provide school uniforms and shoes, warm winter clothes, a daily hot meal, books and all other needs.
This is Nitasha with her sister Ridha - two of the success stories of
the Sponsorship Program. Previously doomed to a life of
illiteracy and poverty, these beautiful girls now have a bright future
ahead of them - thanks to their Sponsor.