Good Morning New Horizons Missions members..
My name is Halarta, and I am 60 years old. My wife’s name is Samlina and she is 55 years old. I have three adult children that live in another village because of work. We were Hindus and we had been worshiping the Snake god and the Elephant god.
My name is Halarta, and I am 60 years old. My wife’s name is Samlina and she is 55 years old. I have three adult children that live in another village because of work. We were Hindus and we had been worshiping the Snake god and the Elephant god.
A few months ago, I started having terrible pains in my body and I did not know what was causing this. All hospitals and doctors refused to check common patients, because of the Virus situation that has hit our country for about 8 months. Because of the Coronavirus I could not find any doctor who would look at me. It looked like I would die with that pain. It got so bad that I couldn’t walk without being helped. I went to the Hindu priests but they could not do anything for me – they said I was cursed. But the pain kept getting worse and worse.
Then a neighbor told us about a Christian – Pastor Paul from your Mission, who would pray for sick people. My wife took me to that pastor who was two miles away from our tent. We knocked on his door. The first thing he did was give us masks to wear and he gave us hand sanitizers too. Then he listened to us and I told him that I am suffering from pain and I thought I was going to die. I thought he may give me some medicine to take, but instead he prayed to God for my pain and he said I should know Jesus Christ who would give me a miracle of healing. He prayed for us, but my pain was still there. I thought his God may refuse to heal me as I was a Hindu.
But when we were on our way home, something amazing happened. My pain left me completely and I was able to walk home on my feet. My wife wept and she cried out, you have been healed by the Christian God. I was amazed too and did not know what had happened to me. The next day we rushed back to Pastor Qamir, told him about the miracle and asked him to teach us about Christianity and Salvation through Jesus. We had been coming to the Pastor for prayers and to learn about Jesus for several weeks and one day, we repented and accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
It is a great joy to receive Jesus into our lives and we are blessed that God chose us to be his people. We are thankful to God for making us able to know Jesus Christ. we love Jesus now and we come to church each week.
God turned my illness into a blessing, because without my terrible pain we would never have met Pastor Paul and Jesus.
Thank you for your Missions. God bless you all. Halarta.